

Enter a group name of your choice

["Group Name"] = "jaDevelopment", --Set to your groups name


Each dock featured in the Radiolink folder has a configuration called 'DockConfig', and is currently set to preset configuration settings. Customize these options with the following information that might help you

The whitelist can be toggled on (true) or off (false), and supports individual players or groups. You can have an unlimited amount of players and groups. Players can be listed with a mixture of user ids and usernames.

When the whitelist value is set to false, anyone can use the radio dock. If you are restricting the radios to groups, or users, please enable this feature by setting it to true

When configuring groups, enter as many role IDs in the {} as you wish, separated by a comma

For example:

[14665139] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 255},

["Permissions"] = {
	["Whitelist"] = false, --When set to false, anyone can use the radio dock
	["Users"] = { --Supports usernames and user ids
		936285498, --osctrcx
		37110638, --rfpb
		163323741, --comtrlo

	["Groups"] = { --Add as many groups as you would like and role ids
		[14665139] = {255, 254}, --Enter role IDs in the {}, separated by a comma

Last updated