Product Setup

You must enable HTTP Requests and API Services within the studio tab to allow this product to load into your experience. Please check this before opening a support ticket within the server.

You can begin customisation by accessing the . Information is already provided on each line. Please refer to either that, or additional information & support from this page.

Configure Group

["GroupID"] = 14665139, -- Group ID
["StaffID"] = 1, -- Minimum staff role ID to use system
["AdminID"] = 1, -- Minimum admin role ID to use more advanced features, for administrators/leadership only
["StudentID"] = 1, -- Maximum student role ID
["SchoolName"] = "jaDevelopment", -- School name
["SchoolType"] = "Secondary", -- Type of school (ie. primary, secondary, academy)
["IconID"] = 0, -- Custom school logo ID


The ID of your Roblox group


The minimum role ID a user has to be to access the staff version of Arbor


The minimum role ID a user has to be to access specific features, such as timetabling, settings, etc


The maximum role ID a user has to be to be considered a student (e.g 10+ for staff, 9 and below for students)


Your specific school name


Type of school (e.g primary, secondary, academy)


A designated image ID for your school, appears on all Arbor assets/features

Configure Data

["ArborPlayerDataStoreKey"] = "Arbor1-PlayersB", -- Change this to anything of your choice (stores player data)
["ArborSettingsDataStoreKey"] = "Arbor1-SettingsB", -- Change this to anything of your choice (stores general arbor settings)


A hidden, specific & random key of your choosing. Saves individual player data for your game


A hidden, specific & random key of your choosing. Saves specific arbor settings for your game

Webhook Integration

["ArborWebhookURL"] = "",
["WebhookColors"] = { -- Must be a hex value, with '0x' positioned before
	["Green"] = tonumber(0x2c8c26),
	["Red"] = tonumber(0xba2b20),
	["Orange"] = tonumber(0xff9220),
	["Grey"] = tonumber(0x595959)

Gamepasses & Lanyard

["NonUniformPass"] = { -- Non Uniform Pass will display as an additional tag above the player's head
		Enabled = false, -- Enable/disable pass
		GamepassID = 0, -- Provide correct gamepass ID (set to 0 if you wish for this to be disabled)
["TimeoutPass"] = { -- Timeout Pass will display as an additional tag above the player's head
		Enabled = false, -- Enable/disable pass
		GamepassID = 0, -- Provide correct gamepass ID  (set to 0 if you wish for this to be disabled)
["Lanyards"] = {
		Enabled = true, -- Should lanyards be automatically equiped on staff on server join
		ColorTheme = Color3.fromRGB(255, 146, 32),
		LogoID = 0 -- Seperate logo idealy in black, if left as 0 it will use the main icon id

Isolation Data

["IsolationTeam"] = game:GetService("Teams").Isolation, -- Set a designated team for students to be isolated into
["DisableJumpPower"] = true, -- Should jumppower be restricted to 0
["TeleportPlayer"] = true, -- Should the student be teleported to a specific spawn

Session Data

["Teams"] = { -- List of student teams, these must be in the "Teams" category and here (e.g Year 7) / Maximum [5] teams
		"Year 7",
		"Year 8",
		"Year 9",
		"Year 10",
		"Year 11"
["ClosureTime"] = "19:45",
["Periods"] = { -- Recommended maximum is 8 periods (Including lunch and break), however you can have as many or as little as you wish
		[1] = {
			["Name"] = "Form",
			["Time"] = "19:07",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = true
		[2] = {
			["Name"] = "Period 1",
			["Time"] = "19:08",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = true
		[3] = {
			["Name"] = "Break",
			["Time"] = "19:09",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = false
		[4] = {
			["Name"] = "Period 2",
			["Time"] = "19:10",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = true
		[5] = {
			["Name"] = "Period 3",
			["Time"] = "20:13",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = true
		[6] = {
			["Name"] = "Lunch",
			["Time"] = "20:31",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = false
		[7] = {
			["Name"] = "Period 4",
			["Time"] = "20:32",
			["AttendanceIsLogged"] = true


Determines if a lesson/period appears as a lesson and configures whether or not students can be marked in or not


Determines when the lesson begins


The end time of the last lesson/period to occur

You must own a license to this product to be able to use this in your experience. Please ensure you own this before progressing with setup.

Last updated